Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Kipas Bodoh

Maaf tapi post ni dibuat penuh dengan emosi. Aku marah betul. Wah! Cam sial sekor-sekor, ak rasa cam nak siat-siat kulit, jemur bagi bikin kulit punch beg. So next time bila ade je rasa geram, pergi je lepas geram dekat punching beg tu.
Lets make this simple and see through. You have your lines, i have mine. Do not cross those. See, as simple as that. U have your work and i have mine. U have your intentions and so did i. So, no matter how hard you try to impress superiors, so do as you please. But please do not involved others in your low class dirt business. And one more thing. Others is strictly define as ME!.
Am not goin to make any scene like, i-am-innocent-while-you-are-wanjang-temey-son-of-beach. Cause, i do have my dirt business. But it was no low dirt. It is casino royale~
Ha ha.
Finally, i smile. Thanks!